Con este video vas a aprender sobre los distintos ritmos cardiacos, señales y síntomas de un ritmo irregular, y cómo se diagnostican.
Aprende lo que es un electrocardiograma, o ECG, cómo funciona y por qué podría ser utilizado.
Aprende cómo se toman los medicamentos antiarrítmicos de manera segura.
Aprende lo que es un infarto cardíaco, cuáles son los riesgos, y lo que debes hacer si notas que alguien está sufriendo un infarto cardíaco.
Con este video aprenderás cómo afecta el aleteo auricular a tu corazón y a la circulación de sangre, y cuáles son las mejores opciones de tratamiento.
Las CVP constituyen un tipo común de latido irregular. Sepa por qué suceden y cuándo debe llamar al médico.
La bradicardia se produce cuando el corazón late muy lentamente y puede causar problemas. Sepa cómo se diagnostica, y qué tratamientos pueden ayudar.
La taquicardia se produce cuando el corazón late demasiado rápido. Sepa qué síntomas causa, cómo se diagnostica y qué tratamientos pueden ayudar a manejarla.
When the heart suddenly stops beating, it is called sudden cardiac arrest. Emergency treatment is needed to get the heart beating again. If treatment is not started right away, sudden cardiac arrest can lead to death.
Sometimes problems with the heart's electrical signals lead to a fast heart rhythm. Too many signals may make the heart beat very fast (tachycardia). Or signals may be sent so rapidly and irregularly that the heart muscle sometimes quivers and doesn't beat at all (fibrillation).
If your blood pressure drops too low, your brain may not get enough oxygen-rich blood. Your body responds by losing consciousness briefly. You also slump or fall down. This problem is called syncope, fainting, or a blackout.
Syncope (fainting) has many causes. Sometimes it's not serious. In other cases, it's a sign of a heart problem. Read on to learn more.
Your healthcare provider will ask you about your fainting episode and your past health. They'll also do an exam. You may need a number of tests to assess your symptoms
If you have been told that your fainting is not caused by a heart problem, you can help prevent fainting. And you can learn to respond to your body's warning signs.
If heart trouble caused your fainting, treatment may improve blood flow, stop syncope, and help prevent further heart problems. Your provider can explain the benefits and risks of each treatment.
Premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) are a type of abnormal heartbeat (arrhythmia). They are very common. They can occur in people of all ages from time to time. They usually cause only mild symptoms.
Your heart uses electrical signals to keep pumping normally. With right bundle branch block, some signals are slowed when they pass through the heart.
An event monitor is a device used to record your heart's electrical activity. It's portable, so you carry it with you. It helps to diagnose some kinds of abnormal heart rhythm and other health conditions. It records your heart's activity when you have symptoms.
Lead extraction is the removal of wires from your heart. The wires are part of an implanted cardiac device.
Left bundle branch block is a problem in the heart's electrical system. It causes the left lower chamber (ventricle) of the heart to pump more slowly than normal.
Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) is a type of abnormally fast heartbeat. The heart normally beats 60 to 100 beats per minute. With SVT, the heart beats more than 100 times a minute. It may beat as fast as 250 times a minute.
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia is a disease of the heart muscle. It replaces normal heart muscle with fatty fibrous tissue. This interrupts normal electrical signals in the heart.
Vasovagal syncope is fainting caused by a complex nerve and blood vessel reaction in the body. It's the most common cause of fainting. Unlike other causes of fainting, it's not a sign of a problem with the heart or brain.
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) is a disease of the heart muscle. ARVC is a rare genetic disease. It usually starts between ages 10 and 50. It replaces normal heart muscle with fatty fibrous tissue, mainly in the right ventricle.
Lead extraction is the removal of wires from your heart. The wires are part of an implanted cardiac device. This sheet tells you what to expect before, during, and after the procedure.
Left bundle branch block is a problem in the heart's electrical system. Learn more about the types of treatment for this condition.
Atrial flutter is a type of arrhythmia. It causes the heart to beat faster than normal. Atrial flutter can increase the risk for certain serious problems, such as stroke.
Any abnormal change in the speed or pattern of the heartbeat is called an arrhythmia. An arrhythmia that causes the heart to beat slower than normal is called bradycardia.
First-degree heart block is a condition where the wiring of the heart is slow to send electrical signals, but all of the signals still pass successfully. It often does not cause problems.
Heart palpitations are a symptom. It's the feeling you have when your heartbeat seems to be racing, pounding, skipping, or fluttering.
Heart block is a condition in which the electrical wiring system of the heart does not work properly. Second-degree heart block causes a missed heartbeat and an irregular pulse.
If you have a heart rhythm problem that causes the heart to beat faster than normal, this is known as tachycardia. There are many types of tachycardia.
A person with third-degree heart block usually has a very slow heartbeat. It is caused by a problem with how the heart's electrical system works.
Sick sinus syndrome (SSS) is a type of abnormal heartbeat, or arrhythmia. If you have SSS, you may have episodes when your heart beats very slowly, stops beating for a short while, or beats very rapidly.
Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) is a kind of abnormally fast heartbeat.
An arrhythmia is an abnormal heart rhythm that can cause problems with the contractions of your heart chambers.
Comprende lo básico de un marcapasos inalámbrico
Sigue los pasos clave para prepararte para la colocación de un marcapasos sin cables.
Sigue las instrucciones de cuidado personal y reconoce cuándo buscar atención después de haberte colocado el marcapasos sin cables.
La fibrilación auricular se produce cuando las cámaras superiores del corazón no bombean con normalidad. Conozca lo que sucede en el corazón y cómo puede manejarse.
El aleteo auricular se produce cuando las cámaras superiores del corazón laten demasiado rápido. Sepa cómo sucede y cómo se puede tratar.
Los trastornos en el sistema eléctrico del corazón pueden provocar arritmias o un ritmo cardíaco anormal. Hay muchos tipos de arritmias y se clasifican por el lugar en que se producen en el corazón y su patrón de anormalidad. Este segmento explicará la arritmia conocida como Fibrilación Atrial.
Con este video aprenderás lo que es la fibrilación atrial, algunos de sus síntomas, y sus distintos tratamientos.
Trastornos en el sistema eléctrico del corazón pueden provocar arritmias o un ritmo cardíaco anormal. Hay muchos tipos de arritmias y se clasifican por el lugar donde ocurren en el corazón y su patrón de anormalidad. Este segmento explicará la arritmia conocida como Fibrilación Atrial.
Con este video aprenderás sobre lo que debes hacer para controlar tu fibrilación atrial cuando salgas del hospital.
Si le han diagnosticado Fibrilación Atrial y está bajo el cuidado de un cardiólogo, si toma sus medicamentos recetados y hace los cambios de estilo de vida necesarios, usted podrá tener una mejor calidad de vida posible.
Sigue esta lista para manejar tus medicamentos para la fibrilación atrial.
Con este video aprenderás cuándo debes llamar a tu doctor para evitar malestar o algún problema más serio por tu fibrilación atrial.
Cuando diagnostican la fibrilación atrial, normalmente el primer tratamiento recomendado por los cardiólogos son medicamentos. Sin embargo, es posible que con el tiempo los medicamentos ya no sean efectivos o que no mejoren los síntomas. En estos casos, es posible que su profesional médico recomiende una intervención conocida por ablación con catéter.
La fibrilación atrial causa que el corazón lata fuera de ritmo. Para que el corazón vuelva a latir normalmente, a veces es necesario darle un 'shock' eléctrico. Puede ser intimidante la idea de administrar una descarga eléctrica al corazón, pero es una intervención rápida y no la va a sentir
Vean como Kersey ha vivido y ha hecho cambios de estilo de vida después de haber sido diagnosticado con una enfermedad cardíaca.
Atrial fibrillation can be controlled. With treatment, most people with atrial fibrillation lead normal lives.
Atrial fibrillation is the most common abnormal heart rhythm in the world. It causes the atria to quiver instead of pumping normally. This can cause blood clots and lead to stroke.
Atrial fibrillation, or AFib, is a common type of heart arrhythmia. It causes fast, chaotic electrical signals in the atria.
LAAC seals off the left atrial appendage (LAA) of the heart. This reduces the risk for stroke in people who have atrial fibrillation.
Catheter ablation destroys (ablates) an abnormal electrical pathway or groups of electrical cells that may be causing a heart rhythm problem (arrhythmia). Read on to learn what to expect before, during, and after the procedure.
This catheter ablation procedure destroyed (ablated) a few of the cells in your heart that were causing your heart rhythm problem. During the procedure, a thin, flexible wire (called a catheter) was inserted into a blood vessel in your upper thigh and threaded up to the heart.
Your doctor performed a procedure called cardioversion. Your doctor used a controlled electric shock or a medication to briefly stop all electrical activity in your heart. This helped restore your heart's normal rhythm. Here are some instructions to follow while you recover.
Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) is a treatment that may help a person whose heart isn't pumping as well as it should.
Your health care provider recommends that you have cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT). This is a procedure to place a small device in your chest and wires in your heart. CRT improves the timing of your heart's contractions. This helps your heart pump better. CRT can be done with a pacemaker or a defibrillator. Your health care provider will decide which device is better for you.
Your CRT device needs special care. You will also need to make some lifestyle changes. Find out how to take care of the device and your health.
Cardioversion is a procedure that is done to return your heartbeat to a normal rhythm. It's done when the heart is beating very fast or irregular.
Cardioversion is a procedure that is done to return your heartbeat to a normal rhythm. You take medicine, either through an IV or by mouth.
An implantable loop recorder is a device that records information about how your heart is working.
This procedure replaces a pacemaker or an ICD that is running low on battery power. The surgery is usually done as an outpatient procedure. You can go home the same day.