Watch this clip to know when to get help if you are having angina.
Never ignore chest discomfort or tightness. It could be angina-a warning sign that your heart isn't getting enough oxygen-rich blood.
Watch this to learn that angina can happen at rest.
Watch to see how Charlie uses nitroglycerin pills to help when he has chest discomfort.
Learn what angina is, what causes it, and how to recognize the signs and symptoms of this serious condition.
Understand how angina may show up differently in men and women, and learn common tests for angina.
Watch this video to learn the different treatment options available to treat angina.
Learn how making a few changes in your lifestyle can help manage your angina.
Angina is often described as chest pain, but this can be misleading. Angina isn't always painful, and it isn't always felt in the chest. Learn more about what this heart condition feels like, and when it can happen.
When not enough oxygen reaches the heart muscle, you may have chest pain called angina. This sheet can help you manage your risk factors for heart disease.
Watch this video to learn about Coronary Artery Disease or CAD and how it affects arteries that lead to the heart and blood flow.
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the most common type of heart disease. CAD develops when plaque builds up in the arteries that supply blood to the heart. See if you're at risk for CAD, and how you can help prevent it.
Learn the common tests which your healthcare provider might use in order to diagnose coronary artery disease.
Learn about the various methods and medications commonly used to treat coronary artery disease.
Understand how coronary artery disease causes stable and unstable angina, and why immediate action is important when you experience angina or other symptoms of a possible heart attack.
Watch this to help understand that symptoms of heart disease can be different in women than in men.
Watch how coronary artery disease develops, leading to potential artery blockage and myocardial infarction, or heart attack.
Watch this to learn what time heart attacks most commonly occur.
This program will help you to understand that if you have coronary artery disease, making healthy lifestyle changes and taking medications as directed can help you reduce your risk for a heart attack.
Understand how healthy arteries work and how atherosclerosis affects the artery lining increasing your risk for heart disease.
Learn how peripheral artery disease (PAD) occurs, and who is at risk for developing it.
Learn how parts of your treatment plan help you meet your treatment goals.
Learn strategies that will help you manage your PAD symptoms and prevent long-term complications.
Watch this to learn when you should call the doctor when you have PAD.
Carotid artery disease means that a large blood vessel in your neck is partly blocked. You may not have symptoms. But the condition is serious because it can lead to a stroke.
Varicose veins are swollen, enlarged veins. They happen most often in the legs. RFA treatment uses radiofrequency to heat up the vein. This closes off blood flow to the damaged vein.
Peripheral arteries deliver oxygen-rich blood to the legs and feet. Over time, artery walls may thicken as they build up with plaque (a fatlike substance). As plaque builds up in an artery, blood flow can be reduced or even blocked, causing peripheral artery disease.
Problems with the veins in the legs may lead to chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). CVI means that there is a long-term problem with the veins not being able to pump blood back to your heart.
If leg swelling due to chronic venous insufficiency isn't controlled, an ulcer (open wound) can form. Here's how to treat them.
After peripheral artery bypass surgery, plan on being in the hospital for about 3 to 8 days. The length of your stay depends on the type of bypass you have, your health, and how you respond to surgery.
Learn how to take care of yourself at home when you have peripheral arterial disease (PAD).
Critical limb ischemia (CLI) is a condition that can occur over time when your leg arteries are damaged. Learn when to get emergency care, and how CLI is diagnosed and treated.
Acute arterial occlusion is a serious condition that occurs when blood flow in a leg artery stops suddenly. Read on to know what symptoms to look for, and when to get medical care.
Aspirin is a blood-thinning medicine. It helps keep blood clots from forming. Learn how it's used to treat atherosclerosis.
Smoking is the greatest single danger to the health of your arteries. It puts you at higher risk for peripheral arterial disease (PAD), which affects the arteries in your legs.
High cholesterol can harm your arteries, raising your risk for peripheral arterial disease (PAD).
Having high blood pressure can damage your arteries. This puts you at risk for PAD. And it also puts you at high risk for heart attack and other heart diseases.
Cilostazol is a medicine that can relieve leg pain caused by claudication, a common symptom of PAD. Here's how the medicine works, and what you should know before taking it.
When you have PAD, a walking program can be very helpful. Here are some tips to get you started.
A venogram is a type of imaging procedure. It uses X-rays and a special dye to look at veins in your body.
The ankle brachial index (ABI) is a simple test that compares the blood pressure measured at your ankle with the blood pressure measured at your arm. It is used to check for peripheral artery disease (PAD) in the legs, or to see if PAD is getting worse.
Segmental Doppler pressure testing measures the blood pressure in an arm or a leg at certain points. It uses Doppler ultrasound. It is able to check blood flow in an artery.
Watch this to learn what to expect before and during the TAVR procedure.
Your doctor might have recommended transcatheter mitral valve repair or replacement. Watch this to understand how and when it is performed.
If you have been diagnosed with aortic valve disease, watch this to understand why you might need a transcatheter aortic valve replacement surgery and the benefits of this procedure.
Watch this to understand what a transcatheter mitral valve replacement procedure is and the major reason they are performed.
Learn about your options for aortic valve disease, including repairing or replacing diseased valves.
Watch this to learn how you can prepare for minimally invasive transcatheter valve surgery.
Watching this video can help you to understand what to expect after your transcatheter valve surgery, including right after the procedure and long-term lifestyle changes you might need to make.
In this video, Liz has a mechanical heart valve replacement to treat a heart valve condition she's had since she was a young adult.
You have been diagnosed with mitral valve stenosis. This means that the mitral valve in your heart is stiff and doesn't open as it should.
Mitral valve regurgitation is when the mitral valve in the heart is leaky. It lets some blood flow back, instead of all pumping into the next chamber.
A mitral valve replacement is a surgery to replace a mitral valve that doesn't work well. It's replaced with a new valve.
Aortic valve regurgitation is when the aortic valve leaks. The aortic valve is one of the heart's 4 valves. It is on the left side of the heart. It sits between the lower chamber (ventricle) and the large blood vessel that sends blood to the body (aorta).
Coronary microvascular disease (CMD) is also sometimes called small artery or small vessel disease. It occurs when the inner blood vessels of the heart become damaged. In some cases, the small arteries of the heart don't function properly.
Here are the steps to putting on knee-high compression stockings.
Here are the steps to putting on thigh-high compression stockings.
Learn what deep vein thrombosis is, and what puts you at risk for this dangerous condition.
See how your healthcare team will work with you to reduce your chances of developing deep vein thrombosis in the hospital.
Watch what you can do to help prevent deep vein thrombosis while you recover at home.
Learn some tips about ways to travel safely when you have Deep Vein Thrombosis.
There are about 900,000 cases of venous thromboembolism, or VTE, a year in the United States. VTE is a blood clot in the vein that requires immediate attention to avoid serious complications. That's why knowing the signs and symptoms is so important.
DVT is a blood clot in a deep vein. To protect your health, a blood clot must be treated right away.
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a condition where a blood clot (thrombus) forms in a deep vein. It may develop in a large vein deep inside the leg, arm, or other part of the body. Complications from DVT can be very serious. Read on to learn more.
A DVT is a blood clot deep inside a leg, arm, or other part of your body. Most often, a blood clot is treated with medicines that help to dissolve the clot. But in some cases, procedures may be advised. Read on to learn more.
A pulmonary embolus is most often from a blood clot (thrombus) in a deep vein of the leg. This is called deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Part of the clot may break off and travel to the lungs. This is called a pulmonary embolism. This can cut off blood flow in the lungs.
In the days and weeks after surgery, you have a higher chance of developing a deep vein thrombosis (DVT). This is a condition in which a blood clot or thrombus develops in a deep vein. They are most common in the leg. But, a DVT may develop in an arm, or another deep vein in the body.
Vena cava filter implantation is a procedure to place a device in the inferior vena cava. The inferior vena cava is the large vein that returns blood from the lower body to the heart. The device is a filter that traps blood clots in the lower body. This prevents the clots from traveling to the lungs.
DVT is a blood clot in a deep vein. Preventing a blood clot means improving blood flow back to your heart.
Leg veins carry blood from your feet back to your heart. If a vein is damaged, blood flow back to the heart is reduced. As a result, you may develop vein problems in your legs.
The ongoing flow of blood from the heart to the body and back to the heart again is called circulation. Blood vessels carry blood throughout your body. Veins are the vessels that return blood to the heart.
DVT is a blood clot in a deep vein. Your healthcare provider will usually prescribe an anticoagulant medicine. Be sure to follow all directions your provider gives you for taking this medicine.
A deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a blood clot in a large vein deep in a leg, arm, or elsewhere in the body. The clot can separate from the vein, travel to the lungs and cut off blood flow. This is a pulmonary embolism (PE). Pulmonary embolism is very serious and may cause death.
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a clot in the deep veins of your leg. Intermittent pneumatic compression uses a simple machine to help prevent DVT.
Percutaneous transcatheter treatment is a way to treat a deep vein thrombosis (DVT). DVT is a blood clot that forms in a large, deep vein. It happens most often in one of the veins of your legs. You may have pain, swelling, warmth, and redness from the DVT.
Surgical thrombectomy is surgery to remove a blood clot from one of your blood vessels. The blood clot may be in an artery or vein in your arm, leg, or another part of your body. It may block the flow of blood to your tissues or organs.
These images show you how to put on knee-high compression stockings.
An inferior vena cava (IVC) filter is a small device that can stop blood clots from going into your lungs.
Post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS) is a condition caused by damage to veins from a blood clot. PTS can cause chronic pain, swelling, and other symptoms in your leg. It may develop in the weeks or months after a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) of the leg.
Here are images to help you understand how to put on thigh-high compression stockings.
Surgical thrombectomy is surgery to remove a blood clot from 1 of your blood vessels. The blood clot may be in an artery or vein in your arm, leg, or another part of your body. It may block the flow of blood to your tissues or organs.
Embolectomy is surgery to remove a blood clot (embolus) from one of your blood vessels. It is often an emergency procedure.
Venous thromboembolism is when a blood clot forms in a vein. The term refers to two linked conditions: deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism.
An aortic aneurysm is a weak spot in the main blood vessel in your body. You may not have symptoms at first. But this condition is serious. You may need surgery to repair the damaged area.
An aortic aneurysm is a weak spot in your aorta that bulges or balloons outward. Aortic aneurysm is a serious medical condition. To fix it, your healthcare provider may use an endovascular repair.
An aortic aneurysm is a weak spot in your aorta that bulges or balloons outward. Aortic aneurysm is a serious medical condition. To fix it, your healthcare provider may use open surgery.
You may have been told that you have an aneurysm. This is when a weakened part of a blood vessel expands like a balloon. An aneurysm in the main blood vessel in your stomach area is called an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA).
Tips for home care and when to call your healthcare provider following abdominal aortic aneurysm repair.
You have had surgery to repair an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). This happens when the main blood vessel in your abdominal area weakens and expands like a balloon. Here's what you need to know following surgery.
Endovascular repair is a type of treatment for an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). An AAA is a bulge in the wall of the large artery below your heart.
After you have an aortic abdominal aneurysm (AAA) repair, the pressure inside your belly (abdomen) is at risk for increasing. High pressure in your abdomen lowers the blood flow to your organs.
An endoleak is a complication that can occur after having an endovascular aneurysm repair.
A heart murmur is blood flow that makes a noise because of a problem in or near the heart. See how a heart murmur occurs, and when it's a cause for concern.
An ASD is a common heart defect that's present at birth. If it's not found until you are an adult, your heart may not be able to pump as much blood.
Atherosclerosis is when arteries get hardened and narrowed. Learn what causes it, how it harms your health, and what you can do to prevent it.
Infective Endocarditis is an infection of the lining of the heart and/or of the heart valves. It happens when bacteria (germs) enter the bloodstream (bacteremia) and go to the heart. The germs then cause infection in the heart. The germs can enter your bloodstream in a number of ways. It may happen during a dental procedure. It can happen through a cut. Or the germs can come from an infection elsewhere in the body.
With the heart condition TCM, blood flow to part of the heart is briefly blocked. This might happen if the coronary arteries have a temporary spasm. It might also occur if the smaller blood vessels of the heart don't get enough blood. Although the symptoms of TCM may feel like a heart attack, the 2 conditions are different.
Infective endocarditis is an infection of the lining of the heart (endocardium) or the valves of the heart. The infection is most often from some type of bacteria.
Rejection is a normal reaction of the body to new tissue put in or on the body. When a person gets a heart transplant, the body's immune system reacts. Immune cells can attack the new heart.
You may need to take more anti-rejection medicine or take it more often.
You may need to stay in the hospital for a week or more. You may be given antibiotics through an IV.
Orthostatic hypotension is low blood pressure when you stand up from sitting or lying down. It can cause symptoms for such as dizziness, lightheadedness, and blurry vision. It may also cause fainting and falls.
When you have amyloidosis, your body makes too much of certain proteins. These proteins build up and clump together, making a waxy substance called amyloid.
Ischemic cardiomyopathy is a disease of the heart muscle.